Better Your Werk
Unpacking Decolonization at Work
This piece was initially published on December 30, 2019. In light of the Black Lives Matter movement’s recent events, we have republished it in order to put relevant content and BIPOC voices at th...

Better Yourself
Demystifying Energy
Harnessing a powerful tool to help us manifest our deepest desires.

Better Yourself
Shopping in a State of Fear
How advertising is weaponized to take advantage of our greatest insecurities.

Better Yourself
Being Sad Doesn’t Mean You’re Ungrateful
Yes, you can be grateful for your blessings and feel sad, angry or anxious sometimes, too.

Better Yourself
Finding Calm in the Eye of the Storm
On learning the values that will withstand any disaster more than ever before.

Better Yourself
My Ex-Vice: Shopping
A habit that helped curate a life I wanted, but had no idea how to attain.

Better Yourself
My Breakup with Wellness (Or Whatever It’s Called Now)
The inability of “wellness” to work for me wasn’t a reflection of my own shortcomings.

People & Places
What It’s Like Being Iranian in the West
On feeling America-branded in the motherland.

Better Yourself
How to Dismantle Toxic Masculinity (One Step at a Time)
A "we're all in this together" approach is the answer.

Better Yourself
My Ex-Vice: Instagram
My Ex-Vice is a series that explores the things that can challenge us most – the bad habits, temptations, and dependencies – and how we understand them in order to overcome them. We just left a ...

Woo Woo
The Good Spirit: The Introspective Power of Tarot Cards
A conversation with tarot reader Savannah Olsen Between horoscope apps, crystals charging on bedside tables, meditation workshops, and anything deemed worthy by Gwyneth Paltrow, it’s safe to say t...

Better Yourself
Reflections on a Career Shift
Because progress isn’t linear, and sometimes it’s OK to be selfish. This time of year, I’m an oxymoron: New Year’s Eve is my favorite holiday, and yet I don’t believe that January 1 holds a mono...

Better Yourself
My Ex-Vice: Procrastination
My Ex-Vice is a series that explores the things that can challenge us most – the bad habits, temptations, and dependencies – and how we understand them in order to overcome them. To tell you the ...

Better Yourself
Why I Still Make New Year's Resolutions Even Though It Feels Arbitrary
January 1st does not have a monopoly on self-improvement. My journal is full of disparate notes – conversations I overheard on the subway, things my partner said that were too sweet not to write...

People & Places
In the Studio with Artist Marie Khouri
On Art, Multiculturalism, and Motherhood “Sometimes I get shivers thinking, ‘What if I hadn’t found my art?’” says sculptor Marie Khouri, sitting among dozens of pieces of her artwork in her home ...

Better Yourself
How Taking a Pause in Awe Changes Us As Humans
Whether unfolding in the moment, anticipated, imagined, or revisited through memory, meaningful experiences are, in a sense, how we seek to embrace, imbibe, or live in time. But what happens when t...

Better Yourself
The Overlooked Travel Destination: The Self
Generally speaking, the words journey or travel evoke imagery of beautiful natural landscapes, or perhaps architecture and new cultures. It can also suggest impressions of more routine things like ...