Unlocking Your Next Career Move Post-lockdown

6 ways to turn job uncertainty into opportunity.

 minute read

Taylor Aplas

This content was developed in partnership with Conscious City Guide.


As the world around us is shifting and changing drastically, so too are our personal and professional lives. If we needed any further proof that we are indeed living in unprecedented times, the COVID-19 global pandemic has left tens of millions of North Americans furloughed or unemployed. With significant change such as job loss comes grief – but also opportunity. If you’ve been personally affected in this way, here are some considerations on how to access your next career move.

Tap into your community 

You are not alone in this – don’t be afraid to lean on the community you’ve built. Although it’s not always easy to lead with vulnerability, you will surely be met with empathy and support. Post on your LinkedIn – explain your situation and announce that you’re looking for a new opportunity. Ask friends and family to keep an eye out for you, or recommend you to someone in their network. Reach out to companies that are still hiring. Don’t forget to also lean on your personal network for strength and emotional support. 

Build for both the long- and short-term

You may not find a perfect long-term solution right away, and that’s okay. Consider securing a short-term solution first to ease any financial pressures you’re experiencing. You might be able to find a role that can provide a paycheck in the short term, while continuing to look for a long-term opportunity that aligns more with your goals and ambitions. 

Take time to reflect 

Take a moment to pause and ask yourself: What would I like to explore next? It’s not often that we have change forced upon us in this way. This can be a chance to reflect and to decide how you would like to move forward with intention. What is this situation allowing you to learn about yourself? What have you enjoyed about your past work experiences? What kind of role or work environment would you like to seek?

Let yourself be surprised 

You may have an idea of what your next step will look like, but allow yourself to be surprised. A new role or industry might present itself as an option. It may be an opportunity that you wouldn’t have considered before, but it also may be a good time to take a chance and try something new. Is there a community that you’d like to be a part of? Is there an industry you’ve always been intrigued by? Open your mind to all possibilities. 

A few extra things to remember while you navigate this journey: 

Be compassionate with yourself

This is an extremely difficult time for so many. While we can keep things in perspective by being grateful for what we do have, it’s still important to acknowledge your experience. We cannot compare suffering; whatever you are experiencing is valid. Let yourself feel your emotions, and give yourself time to grieve these changes in your life. Approach the next few weeks and months with extra compassion for yourself.

The big picture 

Whatever might happen, know that this is only one chapter in your adventure. Our adversity is what expands us; it’s through challenging times that we build resiliency for the future. Move forward, step by step, and remind yourself that nothing is permanent. This too shall pass. 

Photo courtesy of cottonbro. 

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